We find that lots of people wonder where the idea for Kecks came from. Here is our story.
Kecks were born in Cape Town when Tom, at 16, was looking for something to wear under his boardshorts. Normal swimming trunks were too tight, and regular jocks just got wet and stayed wet. Wearing only boardies under a wetsuit was a mission too – it’s hard to get the wetsuit on, and if you do then you end up with bunches of material all over the place.
So, what if you made some underwear from swimsuit material, designed to be comfortable and not ride up, and to dry quickly? The first step was to get a sample made and try them out. We gradually improved the design, added many more fabrics, and ended up with what you see today.
We have found great local manufacturers, so your Kecks are proudly made in South Africa. The fabrics are imported, made to patterns designed in South Africa, and in many cases the fabrics are printed here in
SA as well.
Since the original design spec of something that works for an outdoor lifestyle and dries quickly, we have found that Kecks work for all sorts of guys. We’ve got surfers, rowers, runners, rugby players, hockey players, hikers and more all enjoying the comfort and ease of their Kecks. They have become very popular as a gift for guys. We hope you like them too.